If RnR isn't enough and you want more more more of the NSW Mid Coast then this is the opportunity to enjoy the sensational Myall Lakes.
I'm posting this now so those travelling long distances can consider the logistics.
The plan is to depart Jimmy's Beach Caravan Park at around 9am Monday and drive up Mungo Brush Side Road, eventually leaving our cars and paddling Two Mile Lake, Boolambayte Lake and Myall Lake. We will camp Monday and Tuesday nights probs either Johnson or Shelly Beach campgrounds, returning mid afternoon Wednesday.
Tides essentially don't exist in Myall Lakes but wind and weather are always a consideration. There could be opportunities for sailing.
Permits will be required for camping (and perhaps parking), and some of you may need to consider camping gear.
More details later but get in touch soon so we can sort out bookings and other logistics.
Trip leader - Mark Fuller [ markfuller1956@gmail.com ]
I suspect some other trip leaders will have an interest in this.