These are paddles offered mostly on Weekends and Public Holidays by Club Trip Leaders. You will need to register to take part.  Registration of interest does not guarantee a place on the paddle.  The leader has the discretion to select paddlers to suit conditions and the trip plan. Non-members can join here.

Upcoming events

    • 9 Mar 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Clontarf

    Another informal session to help each other practice our rolls, rescues or towing techniques for a couple of hours in the balmy calm waters off the beach near Clontarf Point. It will probably be the shortest paddle you do all year! I've no specific program but will try to facilitate the session so that everybody gets a go at practicing all they came to do.

    Kayaks to Grade 2. Dress knowing you'll be wet for most of the morning. Meet at the reserve off Monash Crescent (free parking), Clontarf ready to launch at 8.30am. Bring some snacks/drinks to consume on the beach.

    Full Disclosure: I'm not an Instructor.

    Please contact me ianwyard[at} with any queries

    • 16 Mar 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Clontarf
    • 1

    Leave from Clontarf for an enjoyable short paddle out to the Heads. This is the final stage of my sea guide assessment so there will be a scenario at some point during the paddle. Dress for immersion, bring some food and water, and your usual kit for a half day paddle. Open to grade 2 paddlers with kayaks equipped to grade 2.

    Meet at 9:30 am at Clontarf for departure by 10:00 am.

    Questions or concerns: sandy.mcguinness(at)

    • 28 Mar 2025
    • 6:00 PM
    • 31 Mar 2025
    • 2:00 PM
    • Jimmies Beach - Hawksnest

    Rock ’n Roll 2025

    Location: Reflections at Jimmies Beach in Hawksnest. Telephone the Park Office directly on 2 4997 0466 to book your accommodation and say that you are with the NSW Sea Kayak Club to receive the 10% discount.

    Register here from the options with dinners and raffle tickets and go to ONLINE SHOP on our website to purchase more raffle tickets or dinners.  To win at the raffles you must be in the marquee when the tickets are drawn.


    • Friday: Informal paddles and welcome event at the Marquee. Nibbles provided but BYOB.
    • Saturday: “Newbies” breakfast (location announced on Friday). Paddles, trips, training all day with afternoon technical skills sessions in the marquee. Dinner in the marquee in the evening with our keynote guest speaker. Raffle Ticket Draw. Gear Auction (bring your unwanted paddling/camping gear!) Purchase your dinner ticket here
    • Sunday: More paddling trips and training (including rolling skills). Afternoon sessions in the marquee including Nautical Trivia! Pogies on Sunday night.

    Pogies: Traditionally a short video based format but any and all entries are welcome including that one photo which is the best shot you got all year. Bring Pogies submissions on a thumb drive.

    Lots of activities at this Year’s Rock ‘n Roll Event! Something for everyone!

    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach ~~ Tea Gardens ~~ Jimmies Beach
    • 4
    Join waitlist

    Rock and Roll - Saturday Tea Gardens Paddle

    This is a mixed flat water / enclosed sea trip heading over to Tea Gardens.  Once there we will explore along the waterfront, then head to a cafe for coffee and some of my globally renowned muffins.  The trip is suitable for Grade 1+ paddlers (with some prior paddling experience).  Final trip details will depend on the group and weather conditions on the day.  Total distance will be around 15km and we will be out for 3-4 hours with stops as required. Happy to assess anyone needing to achieve G1.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trip leader - Mark Fuller
    Other trip leaders welcome to co-lead

    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach
    • 0

    Rock and Roll - Saturday Training - Rolling from scratch

    This training is for anyone who has never learnt to roll, or those who don't have a remotely reliable roll.  We will be using the Online Sea Kayaking approach of working with a rolling buddy to carefully step through various stages towards a simple and reliable roll.  If you have a paddling partner who you would like to work with get them to sign up also - otherwise you will be paired up on the day.  Please bring a euro/flat blade paddle, and a nose plug and/or diving mask if you have one.  Whilst I have set aside 4 hours, learning to roll is tiring and we will be pacing ourselves and taking whatever breaks are required to maintain focus.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trainer is Paul Thomas (under Adrian Clayton's supervision)
    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Rock and Roll - Saturday Paddle over to Nelson Bay

    This is an enclosed sea trip over to Nelson Bay on the southern side of Port Stephens and returning to Jimmy's Beach.  Hopefully we will see some dolphins on the way.  The trip is suitable for Grade 1+ paddlers (with some prior paddling experience).  Final trip details will depend on the group and weather conditions on the day.  Total distance will be around 15km and we will be out for 3-4 hours with a stop at Nelson Bay for coffee.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trip leader - Richard Hackett
    • 29 Mar 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Rock and Roll - Saturday Paddle over to John Gould & Boondelbah Nature Reserve

    This is a sea trip over to John Gould & Boondelbah Nature Reserve off Port Stephens.  The trip is suitable for Grade 3 paddlers.  Final trip details will depend on the group and weather conditions on the day.  Total distance will be around 20km with some currents to deal with. Assume we will be out for 4-5 hours with no options for landing on the islands.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trip leader - Stuart Trueman
    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach ~ Soldiers Point ~ Jimmies Beach
    • 6

    Rock and Roll - Sunday Pt Stephens Sail/Paddle

    This event is suitable for grade two (or higher) paddlers. We are putting together a fitness paddle which will head outta Jimmies and head west down Pt Stephens towards Soldiers Pt. We expect to paddle at a reasonable pace with no stops along the way.

    The break is expected to be coffee and cake at Seaview Cafe. It has magnificent views down Pt Stephens to Yacaaba and Tomaree Heads.

    Obviously, the current and wind conditions will heavily dictate the final course. Those wanting some sailing may kick on beyond Soldiers Pt but the regroup will be Seaview Cafe. More info closer to the event date.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trip leaders - Mark Fuller, Cathy Miller and Deb Cunneen
    Other trip leaders welcome to co-lead

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Launch from Jimmy's Beach
    • 1

    This is an open sea trip heading out of Jimmys beach, crossing to Cabbage Tree Island, circumnavigating the Island, where we will hopefully see the seal colony.  On return we will head  to the Southern end of Bennetts Beach where we will conduct a surf landing and then a portage (carry) over the neck of the headland before paddling back to Jimmys Beach.  Total paddling distance around 15 km.  The trip is suitable for solid grade 2 paddlers.  Final trip details will depend on the group and weather conditions.  We will be out for around 4-5 hours.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trip Leader Paul Clift  (under supervision of Adrian Clayton)

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Rock and Roll - Sunday Paddle Tea Gardens and Corrie Island

    This is an enclosed sea trip heading up to Tea Gardens and then out to explore the mangrove channels around Corrie Island, over to Pindimar and returning to Jimmy's Beach.  The trip is suitable for Grade 1+ paddlers (with some prior paddling experience).  Final trip details will depend on the group and weather conditions on the day.  Total distance will be around 15km and we will be out for 3-4 hours with a stop or two on the way.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trip leader - Richard Hackett

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Rock and Roll - Sunday Paddle - The Easier Island Trip

    This open sea trip will head out of Port Stephens and then up the Eastern side of Cabbage Tree Island, hopefully seeing the seals that reside at the Northern tip.  We will then head back to the Northern side of Yacaaba Headland for a morning tea stop.  Finally we will head over to the Southern end of Bennetts Beach where we will conduct a surf landing and then a portage (carry) over the neck of the headland before paddling back to Jimmys Beach.  Total paddling distance around 15 km.  The trip is suitable for strong Grade 2+ paddlers.  Final trip details will depend on the group and weather conditions.  We will be out for around 4-5 hours.

    (Note. please register for one event only.  If you sign up to this trip and change your mind, please cancel your booking before signing up to another trip - thanks)

    Trip leader - Paul Thomas

    • 30 Mar 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Jimmys Beach
    • 6

    Bring along your Greenland paddle and let's practice forward strokes, sweeping, bracing, sculling etc and/or rolling. I'm just a beginner in this art myself but hope to have  an environment where we can share and learn from each other.

    We'll probably launch from the campsite. Bring along morning tea to have on a beach. Kit and kayaks to Grade 2.

    No seal hunting.

    Contact ianwyard{at) with any queries.

    • 31 Mar 2025
    • 10:00 AM
    • 2 Apr 2025
    • 3:00 PM
    Join waitlist

    If RnR isn't enough and you want more more more of the NSW Mid Coast then this is the opportunity to enjoy the sensational Myall Lakes.
    I'm posting this now so those travelling long distances can consider the logistics.
    The plan is to depart Jimmy's Beach Caravan Park at around 9am Monday and drive up Mungo Brush Side Road,  eventually leaving our cars and paddling Two Mile Lake, Boolambayte Lake and Myall Lake. We will camp Monday and Tuesday nights probs either Johnson or Shelly Beach campgrounds, returning mid afternoon Wednesday.
    Tides essentially don't exist in Myall Lakes but wind and weather are always a consideration. There could be opportunities for sailing.
    Permits will be required for camping (and perhaps parking), and some of you may need to consider camping gear.
    More details later but get in touch soon so we can sort out bookings and other logistics.

    Trip leader - Mark Fuller [ ]
    I suspect some other trip leaders will have an interest in this.

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