
Edging will improve your ability to turn your kayak. Edging is used in a wide range of paddling environments from flat water to powerful surf, particularly for non-ruddered kayaks.

By edging your kayak you change its underwater profile. Edging will also reduce the waterline and lessen the amount of resistance between the hull and the water. The greater degree of edge applied, the greater the effect on your kayak.

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Imagine your body divided into 3 parts - your head, upper and lower body - each acting independently.

To edge your kayak: 

  • Keep your head over the centre of your kayak. 
  • Keep your upper body upright (maintain good posture).
  • Use your lower body (hips, knees and buttocks) to edge (tilt) the kayak to one side. 
  • Lift the knee to make firm contact between it and the kayak underneath the deck. 
  • Shift your weight firmly onto the hip and buttock of the opposite side. 
  • In most cases when going forwards you edge the opposite side to the direction you want to turn.  If you want to turn left you would edge on the right, lifting the left knee. 
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